Ladies and gentlemen, guys and galz, an ovation to the flawless icon of this century...ROBERT PATTINSON!!
Yup..You might have not a speck of interest in viewing this inconsiderable and inconsequential blog of mine.(I don't care!!) But, for those who find it interesting, you might find my blog mostly related to the SEXIEST and MOST GORGEOUS guy that I've ever seen in the world..ROB!
Duh..Please shred away all your curiosity as I've told you....I'm so so so...into him!! Personally, I just couldn't find anyone as special as him...How could any other guys not grudging his typical outlook and adorable personality??
And, about 3 things I'm absolutely positive:-
First, Rob Patt is the hottest hunk in the universe..
Second, there's a part of me..And I didn't know how dominant that part might be, that thirsted for his love..
And third, I'm unconditionally and irrevocably falling into him..
I like sexy and elegant gal,put ur own photo is better than guy photo,haha~
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