Couple of days ago, when I was having a girlie chat with my lovely cousins, an extremely ridiculous as well as startling news scared the hell of me.
It's regarding to one of the younger cousins of mine who's now a secondary school student. My cousin, Na, I'd consider her as a girl that always behaves well in every way.
It all happened on a typical Friday night when Na and her sisters were sitting on a cozy couch and enjoyed watching tv. Out of nowhere, something bizarre and unusual caught the attention of one of Na's sisters. Na's sister shockingly found out that Na's actually hurting herself by using a pin to scratch her wrist again and again in order to create scars without bleeding. Na's sisters then confronted her right away for the reason of her imbecile action. Na told her sis that that was actually nothing (or maybe just for fun) and she wasn't attempting suicide (that's a relief)! And Na finally revealed that most of the students also did and keep doing the same thing at school just because of the sudden rise of this 'trend' and self-satisfactions as well!! The more terrible thing is some of them even purposely poured ink onto the bleeding wound after blading themselves.. (GOD! I was speechless once hearing this! I don't think this should be considered as trend..this is just stupid, crazy and unforgivable!)

To keep Na from doing all that nonsense thing, me and my elder cousins (Na's sisters) then agreed to grant her the last chance and intimidated her by telling her that we'll be exposing the naked truth to her parents if we ever found out she dared to do that again. (And yup, Na's totally afraid of her parents' nagging skills, sadly not punishing...Perhaps the intimidation is gonna work on her) So, Na finally promised that she will stay away from that.
HUH... What on earth are actually in the creepy minds of these days teenagers?? How could they manage to hurt themselves and thinking that's something cool?? For me, they're absolutely out of mind and should be given counsel before everything is too late.
Wake up!! Weirdos....
young people today...huh...;p
i teach a bunch of youngster in temple as well... sometimes really feel like slapping them.. for their attitude... or maybe the tak kisah attitude is the trend ? ;p
danny..maybe we're too old minded for them!!
all the things we've done in our days seemed unable to satisfy their needs, so they created these super, duper, hyper crazy 'trend' themselves~ pathetic!!
i think, this bunch of 'trendsetters' can always do things way far beyond our expectation... perhaps slaps don't cure but time~ ha!
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